IBM estimates that we create every day 2.5 quintillion bytes of data (90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone.). It is really hard to digest and understand how big is this number. This will grow even faster in the future. These data will come like a flood in all types and formats.
Before we would panic, I suggest to think about big data as an opportunity to to find insights in new and emerging types of data and content, to make your business more adaptive, and to answer questions that were previously considered beyond your reach.
I think from now on the importance of personalization will rise like a rocket. As data analysis becomes most cost effecient, the science gets more sophisticated and consumers generate more measurable data than ever. Brands and golf course management companies will be increasingly able to predict future consumer behaviors, needs and wants to tailor offers and communications very precisely.
This is why I was disappointed to read about Troon Rewards (with 200,000+ members). The incentives/rewards are so "old school" if you understand what I mean. Who gets excited from banal discounts? Even if I reach platinum status I will get only 20% discount on golf tee time and merchandise. How this reflects my life and desires in a Troon golf course?
In our days we should think about how to draw analysis from customer data, social streams and the Web to be able to come up with tailor-made loyalty program.
As a first step we should ask our golf club members for permission to use their personal data. Golf course members will get full control over their personal data. Let's enable them to decide what data they want to share and what data the company has on them. This cooperation generates trust. Trust as a social currency is priceless.
In next stage we can start to create group of people with similar or same interests and provide them incentives, rewards accordingly. Of course what I described here is a very general and indefinite concept, but points to the right direction:
Troon and other golf management companies should offer a new level of personal service and loyalty program.
(From left to right on the photo - Kevin Merry, Senior Golf Instructor at The Grove presents Troon Reward Member, Edward Page with his new Troon Platinum Membership Card.)
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